My daughter had an eye appointment yesterday. The thing that she dislikes the most is when they put drops in her eyes so that they dilate. It stings when they put them in. On top of that, after a little bit things become blurry. Now when you’re all done, if you have not brought your own sunglasses, they give you some “cool” looking ones to wear temporarily. No one really wants to be caught wearing those, so you always try to remember to bring your own. The reason for the sunglasses is because when you get into the sunlight, especially on a very bright day, it really hurts your eyes.
I couldn’t help but think about our everyday lives. We can have things that are in our lives that keep our spiritual eyesight blurry. Every time we get in contact with the Son it makes our spiritual eyes painful. The unfortunate part is a lot of times we put “sunglasses” on because it is painful. And if we don’t put our own on the devil is sure to give us some. But we usually like to wear our own because we want it to be disguised. The devils “glasses” are more visible to those around us. Either we don’t know how to make things different or we don’t want to. The solution is different but the solution to both involves you and me as Christians.
For those of us as Christians, it is a matter of choosing. Now that is easier said than done when self wants its way. We need to ask God to “…Anoint my eyes with eye salve, that I may see.” See Revelation 3:18. If we go to God with a willing heart He will show us what is getting in the way of spiritual growth. As we read His Word, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, our eyes will begin to open. We will only see a little at a time and as we follow through with what God is telling us He will reveal more and more. There may be times that we will need to agonize with God in prayer. Self can be so tough to cut across. But God is more powerful if we give Him full control.
There may be someone out there that is struggling but they really don’t know what to do or where to find the answers. That is where we can be of help in sharing our experiences. We can help restore a brother or sister. “Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.” Galatians 6:1
There are also those out there that may know there is a God but don’t know anything about reaching out to Him for help. We should become a friend and as the Lord leads we can share with them the answers that we have discovered. It is very important that they feel your love and not condemnation. We are all sinners, make mistakes, and need the mercy and grace of God. Love is an important key.
Dear Father,
Wash our eyes so that we can see the wonderful things that You have for us. When our eyes are blurry we cannot discern Your love. We tend to look at Your ways as restrictive. That is what the devil wants us to think but truly Your ways are freedom. We need You. Guard us against Satan’s tactics. Thank You for Your unfailing love.
In Jesus Name,
Remember God loves you beyond human imagination. No matter what anyone is telling you, it is never too late to come to God. Satan wants to keep you in the trap of feeling unworthy to come. God loved you so much He sent His only Son to die just for you. He wants you to come to Him no matter what you have done or what has been done to you.
Love you all.
Have you had something in your life that made your spiritual eyes blurry? How did God help you to see? I would love to hear how God helped you or used someone else in your life to help you.
What kind of crazy things have you had happen when you have had your eyes dilated? I would love to hear your story.

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