
Welcome to the site that is intentional about bringing hope.  So that you can go forward with healthier physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial goals.


Are you looking for answers to life?  Does life seem like a struggle and you question whether it is worth living?  Maybe you’re struggling with your physical or emotional health.  You may even be struggling spiritually.   Even though you may have been a Christian all your life you are struggling to really feel that God is there.   Maybe you’re struggling financially.  Where is the next meal coming from or can I even pay this bill?

I pray that as I share, you will be lifted up to the One that has all the answers in life.  God is the only One that can give you emotional peace in the midst of physical storm.  He can also give spiritual insight in the face of financial ruin.


Hi, my name is Andrea.  I am married and have 5 wonderful children, 4 sons, and 1 daughter, in that order.

I have had many struggles in my life.  From having a miscarriage and losing a 5-week old baby daughter.  I experienced depression and had an illness that seemed would take my life.  And finally dealing with financial disaster.

The mountains may seem high and the burdens heavy through every trial.  But what I have found is when you get to the top the beauty is spectacular.  My goal is to educate you to live healthier despite disease and live.  And to live emotionally vibrant and spiritually uplifted in the midst of depressing circumstances.   My goal also is to help you become financially free in the face of financial ruin.
I am dedicated to intentional health and wellness.  I do not have all the answers and I have not arrived but my goal is to encourage you through my own experiences to live healthier, become emotionally vibrant, spiritually uplifted, and financially free.


I Will Arise

Knocked down! My cousin told me a story I want to share with you.  A tree she walks by each day got knocked down while it was small from a storm or the weight of the heavy snow.  It was laid over on its side, mostly flat on the ground.  It is incredible how resilient …


If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me.