Have you ever felt like you are just wobbling along in life?  You feel like you are going to fall over at any time and you’re not sure what to do about it?

There is a picture of my mom, when I was a baby, which I have always been intrigued with.  Every time I see it I shake my head.  She was wearing shoes that had such a skinny heel on it that it boggles my mind that a person could even stay upright.  It seems to me that she would have been wobbling all over. To me having a firm foundation would be more comfortable.

It is true that shoes that have high heels have a negative effect on the body.  The more unstable the shoe the more damage and discomfort.  It is damaging to a persons back as well as the legs.  It is putting the body into a position that it was never meant to be in.

We as humans are always looking for ways to make ourselves look better.  We don’t really think about the damage that it may be causing.  If it makes us look prettier or handsome, sexy or buff, etc., whatever can get us more attention or just help us to fit into the crowd.

This started me to thinking about another important foundation.  What kind of foundation are we standing on in our Christian life?  Is it stable or are we wobbling around?  This is more important than any shoe heel.  The Christian foundation that we have can be life or death.

Even as Christians we can be so afraid about what other people think of us or what image we portray that we do things that are putting us on a wobbly foundation.  Our foundation gets so tall and skinny that we are barely able to hang on to Christ.  The problem is that if we are not fully hanging on to Christ we will not make it.  We will fall.

What I have found to be a great foundation is God’s Word & prayer.  As I pray and ask for the guiding of the Holy Spirit, I have been led.  It can be a struggle at times because it crosses self.  But I have found, that as God shows me things in my life that need changing, that if I give up and surrender to Him, He comes in and does the work.  I have even prayed, “Make me willing to be made willing.”  He loves each of us and wants to be there to help us through it.  We just have to give Him permission.  He is a loving and polite God.  We have freedom of choice.  Freedom of choice is true love.

Dear Father,

We need You.  Give us the strength to stand firm.  Help us in building a strong foundation.  Convict our hearts on those things that are causing us damage spiritually.  And give us the strength to overcome.  We have no power within ourselves to do this.

Thank You for loving us.

In Jesus Name,


Make sure that you have a firm foundation.  God can show you what areas you need to change so that your life will not be so wobbly.  And the amazing part is that He will give you the power if you surrender it to Him

Love you all.

Do you have a fun story about high heels?  I would love to hear it.

What have you found to help you make a good foundation in your Christian walk?



  1. Hi Andrea: I was thinking along those lines this morning. I’ve been so worried all my life about what people thought. I’ve wanted people to like me and think I’m nice to the point that I’ve not stood firm when I should have. I’m dealing with some things in my life right now where some people are going to think I’m not nice or even that I am mean because of some of the decisions I need to make, but I need to be considering more what God’s will is for me and not what others want. It’s very hard.

  2. I remember being told that when I was 13, I could have my first pair of nylons and high heels. I could hardly wait. When I did get them, however, I found it very uncomfortable and very difficult to walk. I was wobbly. I tried off and on for a while, but finally gave up. I am already tall anyway, and the heels made me feel too tall as well as awkward. I am content with my flats.

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