Do you have those days that are a frustration?  It seems as if nothing seems to be going right?  And the thing that is amazing is that it could not come at a worse time.

I had one of those days a few days ago.  I am not immune.  Some people may read what I write and think, “Wow, she has it all together.”  The truth is that I am human like everyone else.  That is really what makes it possible for me to share with you.  I have difficulties too.

This particular morning I had to be gone early.  I had a doctor’s appointment and then I was off to work.  My time was limited and every thing was going wrong.  I was like, “Lord, why now?”  Why are you picking this time to allow all this?”

A lot of times we ask these questions but the bottom line is there is really never a good time.  How many of us really want things to go haywire any time?  There is never a good time.

As I was having things go wrong and questioning the Lord, His still small voice came to me, “Because I need to show you that you still have a struggle trusting Me.”  “Oh, Lord I am so sorry.”  I have to say that I struggled for a little while that morning.  I have such a struggle with wanting to fix every problem.  It is hard to hand things over to someone else to fix them. I don’t know about any of you but I think deep down inside I have this fear of what God is going to do.  What I need to do is trust Him knowing that He has my best interest in mind.  It is hard for me to see that at times.  The thing that is so frustrating is that I know better.  There have been so many times where I have allowed God to have full control and the outcome is amazing.  But it seems that I am not any different from the Children of Israel.  God would do some miracle for them, (provide food or water), and the next day they would turn right around and start complaining about something else.

One thing that I have found is we tend to go this direction because we forget how the Lord has led us in the past.  A good practice is to have a journal that we write down the things that the Lord does for us as they happen so that we can go back and look at them when we lose prospective.  This is what I have been doing for a while, to help me think.  We tend to let every day go by without thinking about how the Lord is leading.

Here is some steps that I recommend for each day.

In the morning:

  1. Write down three things that you are thankful for.
  2. Write down three things that you want to accomplish today.
  3. Write down a daily encouragement statement.  Example:  “I am strong in Christ.” Or “I can do all things through Christ.” Or “I am a son/daughter of Christ.”

In the evening:

  1. Write down three amazing things that happened in your day.
  2. Write down in one sentence how you could have made things better.

One of the first things that I am grateful for is God’s forgiveness.  When we do make a mistake and get frustrated, instead of putting ourselves down by saying negative statements, we need to just ask His forgiveness and go on allowing Him to have control.  Negative statements only make a bad situation worse, no matter what.  We need to be making positive statements.

Dear Father,

I thank You so much for Your patience and Your love.  Forgive us for not always trusting You.  Thank You for Your overwhelming forgiveness.  I know that You have our best interest in mind.  It is easy to think and say but way harder to actually put into practice.  Give us Your strength.  Continue to prompt us with Your still small voice.

In Jesus Name,


I encourage you to start a journal.  It can actually be hard at first to think about what you are grateful for.  It is a different mindset.  But as you do it, you will find an amazing change coming over you in your life.

Love you all.

When you have a frustrating moment, what do you do?  What have you found to be most helpful for you?  I would love to hear your ideas.  It is the sharing that helps, not only others, but us as well.


2 Replies to ““FRUSTRATED?””

  1. We are going through some lessons on trust right now as well. I’ve been reviewing my journal looking back at other times I was stressed or frustrated or worried and how God was so amazing in how He worked things out. I need to trust Him now with what we’re dealing with.

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