My son had a basket ball game last night.  It was a very intense game!  The teams were well matched so the score stayed pretty close all the way through the game.  The score was 30/30 with only seconds left on the clock.  The opposing team had the ball and they were just waiting out the seconds.  Just before the time was up they made a basket.  Game over!  It seemed our players weren’t as alert in those last seconds as they could have been.

I was thinking about the game and how it applies to the game of life, the Christian life.  There is a battle going on.  The players are good and evil, Christ and Satan.  It is for our very lives.  Christ team is way more powerful than Satan’s team but His hands are tied.

Time is soon to end.  The clock is ticking and the devil knows his time is almost over and He is working the “ball”.  He is working so hard to destroy each life.  He knows he has a short time.  Christ can easily win the game but we won’t give Him the “ball”, we won’t give Him complete control of our lives.  Some how we think we can do a better job, than He can, so we keep taking the “ball” back from Him and trying to make the “basket” on our own.  We feel out of control without having the “ball” in our hands.  But the fact of the matter is we are more out of control with the “ball” than without it.  We can’t actually make the “basket”.  If we try to do it on our own we are going to miss every time.

So the question is, “What is our part to play in the game of life?”  The answer is really elementary but it seems it is so hard for us to do.

We need to make sure we are surrendering our lives to God every day.  We need to give Him total control.  Spending time with Him each day in studying His Word, memorizing Scripture, and prayer is key.  As we study His Word, we need to be in line with His commands.  We may need to spend a lot of time in agonizing prayer.  We so much want to have control it is hard to give it to Him.  Giving Him control is also being in obedience to His will.  We discover His will as we read His Word.

Dear Father,

I know that I want you in full control of my life.  But I have to admit it is a struggle.  I believe this is something we all struggle with as well.  We ask for Your patience and guidance.  Help us to know what course to pursue in every situation.  Give us Your power to overcome every obstacle because on our own we have no power.  Thank You for Your ever-unfailing love.

In Jesus Name,


The game is almost over; the time is running out.  Are we alert to what is happening?  Let’s give Christ the “ball” of our lives so that He can make the basket and win this game.

Love you all.

What things do you do to help you in the game of life?  Do you have an experience where you gave God full control in an area of your life and miracles happened?  I would love to hear them.





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