I remember when I was a kid somebody, being so kind to us by giving my brother and I a lamb. There was a crisis going on in our family at the time and they thought this would be a blessing for us. I don’t remember our ages for sure but I believe I was around 5 or 6 years old. It was new and wonderful. The lamb was so cute and fun. But then she grew up. She was big and would often knock me to the ground. We had her fenced in and she was constantly breaking out. We no longer had control of her. We finally ask the people who gave her to take her back, which they did, and they even paid us some money.

It makes me think about the Christian. Have you ever had someone share some idea with you or actually give you something that seemed fun and harmless? But as time has gone by it has taken control of your life? You have tried to break free but it keeps knocking you down. It started out small, cute fun, and seemingly harmless but now you are so steeped in it, you feel  hopeless.

I have had these experiences as well. It may be in what you are eating, drinking, watching, listening to, looking at, or a multitude of different things. But suddenly you are trapped. You may think, “I can just contain this inside the fence of my life so it does not affect others”, but it keeps getting out. You need to let it go.

It can be difficult to start a new habit. It starts with making a committed with God and taking the first step and He will give you the power. The first step may be getting rid of some stuff that is in your home.

Another step could be to not enter onto Satan’s territory. I remember when we gave the sheep back that when we would go out to see her she would come running from the flock to meet us. She especially was attracted to my dad because of the kind of clothing he wore for work, it was white and it helped her to recognize us. This is why it is very important to be careful where we go. The devil knows your weaknesses and he recognizes you when you walk onto his territory and he comes running to meet you and tries to reattached to you.

Habits are hard to change and when we want to change a bad habit into a good one we need to replace the bad with something good. This is very important otherwise the bad will easily come back in.

The most important part of changing is to stay connected with God, listen to His promptings, making steps forward to obey and He will provide you with the power to do it.

Dear Father,

Without You we can do nothing. Thank You that as we come to You with a broken and contrite heart asking for forgiveness, You do forgive. Thank You that as we step forward in faith to obey, that You give us the power to accomplish it.

In Jesus Name,


Get connected to God today, don’t delay; He will give you the strength to conquer.

Love you all.

What habits have you had that the Lord has helped you overcome? Share how the Lord has helped you with your bad habit.

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