I remember when I was a kid there was a lady that had cancer. She finally was sent home to die; there was not anything else the doctors could do for her.

At this point in her life things became a lot more important. She had not really taken care of her health, as she should, she hadn’t wanted to change her lifestyle. But suddenly it had become a life and death matter and making dietary changes along with other health principles became important. She had been sent home to die but she felt it was worth making some drastic changes in her life so that at least she could maybe add some time to her life and not suffer as severely.

She made changes in her life that she had never wanted to or even really had a desire to do but she had a really good incentive to do so, life or death. I don’t really know if she thought it would save her life or not but she felt it was worth trying, there was nothing to lose and life to gain. She made the decision to change her lifestyle along with some other things that she did and she got well. At that point it was worth every effort that she had to make. Life is worth everything when you realize you could lose it.

It made me think of the deadliest cancer there is, sin. The devil has “sent you home to die”. He thinks he has got you so he’s focusing more on someone else he’s trying to convince everyone that the things of this world are more exciting, the unhealthy food, the ungodly music, the movies, the ungodly books, etc. He is catching one person after another, “sending them home to die” with the cancer of sin.

How is it with you? Have you been enjoying your sin so much that it is hard to part with it? It taste so good, it is so entertaining and funny, it is so relaxing you don’t have to make a choice you just flow with the crowd.

You are recognizing that the cancer of sin is eating away at your life and you do realize that you are giving up life eternal. Maybe you’re not sure where to turn. Maybe you know but you’re struggling with giving up the pleasures of sin. Maybe your choices in life have actually started to affect your physical health as well. Maybe you have made some of the choices that you are to try to drowned out some difficulty you are going through or something you have gone through that has wounded you emotionally.

Wherever you are there is One that is so loving and compassionate and He wants to help you through the difficulties in life. Jesus will accept you right where you are with the hurt, pain, sin and even the rebellion. God is so big He can change you. You can come to Him with your hate and anger. You can tell Him how you even feel about Him. Maybe you have gone through some horrible things in your life and you wonder why He has allowed it and you are feeling really angry with Him. He wants to hear it all. You can just pour your heart at to Him and He will hear.

You may be thinking, “There is no way, I can’t make these changes on my own.” You are absolutely right. But your part is to choose and God will give you the power to accomplish whatever it is that you need to do. As you surrender all to Him He will guide you and strengthen you through what you need to change. It is a daily decision, a moment-by-moment decision. As you step forward in your decision He will give you the power.

I would also encourage you to reach out to someone who is spiritual that can help encourage you and pray with you through the struggles. If you don’t know anyone ask the Lord to help you and He can direct you to someone, a pastor, elder, friend.

Dear Father,

I want to pray for the one that is really struggling right now with the sin in his or her life. It is eating away at their life. You know their heart. Guide them into all truth as they surrender to Your leading. I pray that You will guide them to someone who can help encourage, lift them up, and pray for them. Put Your arms of protection about them and give them peace.

In Jesus Name,


All of us are struggling with the cancer of sin. Let’s surrender all to Him today, moment-by-moment, so that we will be ready when He comes to take us home. This is a life or death decision.

Love you all.

Have you felt the cancer of sin in your life? How has the Lord lead you? As you have surrendered to Him how has His power played out in you life?

Comment below about what God has done for you so others can be encouraged.

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