Pull Yourself Up By Your Bootstraps

Work, Work, Work

I am sure we have all heard about just pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and getting it done.  We all seem to get caught up in this trap.  No matter what is happening, we are going to do this ourselves.  It doesn’t matter whether we are going to school; we are a salesperson, construction workers, healthcare providers, mothers or fathers, homeschooling moms, and many others; it is all the same.  We try to make the sale, get the building built, take care of people, be a good mom or dad, and get our kids educated, whether homeschooling or helping them through traditional schooling.  We are determined to make it happen, but it doesn’t work.  What happens is that we become physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted.  We get discouraged, maybe even depressed, and the worst part is that many give up even trying.
I remember so well as a homeschooling mom wanting to stay on schedule.  And then one of my boys would do something crazy, get hurt,  and I was off to the doctor.  I would be under so much stress because I had to throw my schedule out the door, and how would I make everything happen.  And then there is running your business.  My husband and I have done so for 33 years at the time of this writing.  We now have three companies that we run, and the stress can be crazy at times.  How do you keep the work coming in but not get too much so you can’t accomplish it all?  Me, I also have a part-time job working away from home.  And when I get to work, I plan out what is before me, and it seems that things will go great, and then a wrench is thrown in.  I feel this tension starting to rise within me.  I am trying to pull myself up by my bootstraps to make everything happen.   But I am failing and getting exhausted in the meantime.  Can you relate?

And then

And then there is my Christian walk with the Lord thrown into the mix of everything.  I need to make sure I am doing all the right things.  Somewhere in the mix, I need to be making sure I spend time with the Lord in Bible study and prayer.  I need to be going to church and make sure I am helping out.  And I should be doing all the right things, like eating right, dressing right, forgiving, no hatred toward others, etc.
The other thing we need to focus on is taking care of our health.  Often our health gets laid aside because we are too busy trying to put in all the other things in life.  I mean, where do I have time to exercise.  And I walk at work, so isn’t that enough?  And what about just having time for myself, doing something relaxing.  Is it selfish to do something that helps me?  These questions have run through my mind many times.  And to even think about it can be overwhelming.  I can quickly get discouraged if I dwell too much on these things.  What about you?  Do you feel what I am feeling?  And the even bigger question is, are there answers?
It is the trap of Satan to keep us running so hard that we don’t have time to think.  He also doesn’t care how he keeps us busy as long as our focus is in the wrong place.  He can keep us engaged, even doing good things by helping out our church, helping out people who need it, and many other things while neglecting the people closest to us.  We can ignore our family or even ourselves.  We can’t help others if we are not physically, emotionally, and spiritually stable.

God has the answer

I know the answer to all of this, but it is hard to do.  Somehow we as humans think we have to be in control of everything.  But what God is trying to teach us through every experience of our lives is to trust Him.  He has a plan for our lives beyond our wildest dreams, but it may not look like we have dreamed it out.  So does that mean I keep trying?  Why make a schedule if God already has a plan for my day.  Planning is a part of life, and without planning, nothing gets done, and life is chaos.  But when something happens that is not expected, we need to trust and rest in God.
What I like to do each morning is lay all my plans at God’s throne of grace.  And then I ask Him to use me today in His service, asking Him to abide with me.  I need Him to direct my path for the day, so I ask Him to lead my way.  As I do this, I know that if anything comes unexpectedly, He has everything under control if I give it to Him and let Him lead.
Let’s break this down a little more.  Right now, I am focusing on the material things in our lives.  Although, what is happening in our spiritual lives affects everyday life.  But let’s look at our jobs, for instance.  As a construction worker, you need a plan for the day.  Now it depends on whether you are the boss or the worker.  But both have to have a plan.  The boss has to lay out the day to keep his employees busy and understand each job.  As an employee, we have a job to do, and we often plan out how we will accomplish what is in front of us.  Now for each, it can suddenly change for whatever reason.  It can be unclear if our boss changes things, but sometimes we can see why changes happen.  It throws a wrench in our day and smooth plan.  The moment comes when we can choose to get angry and frustrated or trust God.  All of this does not blindside God.  So are we going to trust Him?  We can’t see everything that could happen, but He sure can.

What about

There are so many other jobs out there; I can’t address every one of them, but what about those trying to sell something.  Selling covers many jobs, you might be trading cars, houses, products, insurance, dental care, printing (I work at a print shop), and the list could go on and on.
Selling is a struggle for me.  I desire to be of service and be a blessing to others, but I sometimes feel this pressure to sell because I have to make money, too, right?  We all need to make a living, and there is nothing wrong with doing it.  But there can be this guilty feeling at times.  How can I be of service to others and still sell?  Through His Word, the Lord has shown me that I have to take myself out of the equation.  It is not about me and what I can do for others.  I need to think about what God can do.
It doesn’t seem easy to know how to put this into words.  But I have found that God works out all the details as I give my day to Him.  Does that mean I don’t make a plan?  No, but my goals I give to Him.  I have a schedule planned out each day, laying it before God and asking Him to use me in His service and abide with me so that all my work will be for His glory.  And I am always willing to take up or lay down any plan.  If I do this, I don’t have to get frustrated, angry, anxious, or any other negative emotion because I have given my day to God.  Now, do I always give Him my day without taking it back?  No, of course not; I am human and often get in the way.  If my heart is open to service, can God bring me those I can be of service?  Absolutely!  And if I share with someone what I believe can be a blessing to them and they say no, I don’t need to feel frustrated because I have given this all to God.  So no matter what you might be selling, remember that God can lead, guide, and bring the right people to you.  As I try to force things to happen, not only is it exhausting, but it is discouraging and doesn’t help anyone.

Let’s look further

Now I want to switch gears a little, and let’s look further at our spiritual lives.  Do the same principles apply to our spiritual lives?  Let’s start by looking at what it was like growing up.  The authority over us was our parents or a guardian.  We were to do and follow whatever the house rules were without question, and if we didn’t, there were consequences.  And as we became parents, we have done the same to our children.  So we have all grown up and been taught to obey authority.  We pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, grit our teeth (make sure no one sees us), and obey.
Many of us obeyed the rules out of fear of the consequences than out of love, and we even started our relationship with God this way.  We do all the spiritual “rituals” in obedience to our parents, but we often don’t understand them.  We learn about all the do’s and don’t’s and follow them as obligations rather than a relationship.  So we go into adult life doing the routine but don’t have a genuine connection with God.  Some give up on God, and others continue the “rituals,” study the Bible, go to church, pray, and the list goes on.  But there is no real peace.

How can we

So how can we have peace?  I believe we can have peace in our everyday work whether we are working for someone else, self-employed, or whatever work line God has given us, like a stay-at-home mom, which is a powerful job.  Is there work we have to do?  Do we have to plan and schedule?  The answer is yes.  You know how the saying goes, what gets scheduled gets done.  If we don’t make plans for our day, we won’t get our exercise, time with God, prayer time, work, school, or anything done.  But how we go about it makes a difference.  We might get fired if we get to work late, but who will fire us if we don’t spend time with God or exercise.  It is easy to allow things to slide in our physical and spiritual lives.  We have to have a plan.
I can’t even explain the peace when I give my day and life to God each day.  It is the most amazing peace.  But I don’t know about you; I keep taking it back.  I keep trying to make my day go well.  And then I try to be a good little Christian, what a disaster.  Does it mean that every day I give everything to God, there will be no disasters?  no, there is a devil!  He wants to discourage us and get us to take back our day.  But I have found that God works out the details if I don’t take it back into my own hands.  You might be saying, “You make it sound so easy.”  It isn’t easy because the fight with self is hard if we do it independently.  And how many of us start doing it on our own as soon as something goes wrong?  Remember our “heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Jerimiah 12:9.  We don’t even know our hearts.  But God knows our hearts, and He can even change the desires of our hearts if we ask Him.

Simple faith

We need to become as little children; they have a trusting faith.  They have no fear that we will drop them or let them down.  A little child has complete faith and trust in the person who takes care of them.  We need to have the same faith and trust in God as little children.  Nothing we do outwardly can take the place of simple faith and the entire giving up of self.  And we can’t even empty ourselves of self.  We can only consent for Christ to do the work in us.  We can pray, “Lord, take my heart; for I cannot give it.  It belongs to You.  Keep it pure because I cannot keep it for You.  Save me despite my weak, unchristlike self.  Mold me, fashion me, raise me into a pure and holy atmosphere, where the rich current of Your love can flow through me.”  God is the only One who can change our hearts, but we have to allow Him to have peace.  “Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”  Philippians 4:6,7.

My experience

My experience trusting God with my time is fantastic if I keep trusting Him.  And where it has started for me is making a plan.  My plan begins in the morning, spending time with God in prayer and the study of His Word.  It makes me tear up as I write this, thinking about how powerful God is, and I wonder why I often fail to trust Him.  He is more powerful than I can ever imagine.  God spoke, and things came into existence, and His power continues to sustain everything.
When I start my time with God, I think I lack time, so I will have a quick prayer this morning and then move on to read or study what I have before me.  But God keeps convicting me of how important it is to pray.  I need to pray for my children, family, friends, enemies, our country, and the list can go on.
How can I have time to pray?  I don’t know about you, but I can spend much time praying.  And in my humanness, I can’t imagine how I can have time for all of it.  But here is where the miracle happens if I trust Him.  Every time I trust Him with my time and start with prayer, it always works out.  I get so caught up in worship that time goes by me.  As I come to the end of my prayer, I realize I am probably out of time and won’t be able to spend time studying.  No matter how many times this happens to me, I am always blown away.  As I look at my watch, I am shocked to see how little time has passed and how much I still have left to spend in the Word.  How does God do it?  I don’t know!  But every time, it shows me the power of God.  He is all-powerful.  Why do we fret and worry?  He has our back.  If God is so powerful that He can multiply bread (Matthew 15:32-39), He can multiply time, money, or whatever we need.  We can trust Him!
Dear Father,
Thank You for being so patient with me as I struggle to trust You.  Continue to give me Your promptings to trust You fully.  As I trust You and give all to You, I know I have the most incredible peace.  Please help me and guide me because without You, I am nothing.  I have no strength without You.  Continue to strengthen me as I fumble my way through this life with the hope of the coming life that is soon to come.  Thank You for Your continued love for me.
In Jesus’ Name,
I encourage you to trust the One who loved you so incredibly much that He gave His life for you.  He will help you and strengthen you on the journey.
I love you all!
Do you struggle with trusting God?  Do you have an experience that showed you the amazing miracles when you trust Him?  I would love to hear your story.  Please share below in the comments.

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