I Can’t Help Myself!


Everywhere you turn there is negative.  We can’t seem to stay away from it.  At times, we may immerse ourselves so much into it that we lose sight of true life.  We can lose our happiness and it gets us off the track of where we need to be.

I can’t help myself I have to say something!  Is this the life that God has intended for us, a life of getting distracted by who said what, when, and how?  Does He want us to have a life of trying to discover what is wrong with any particular person, life, entity, church, business, etc.?  For me, the answer is no.  And by the way, to investigate evil people or entities to convince one’s self that there is something wrong with them is not the form of “truth” I want to immerse my life in.


First, let’s start with the truth.  What is truth?  How can you know what truth is? If you are not present in any given situation how can you know what was said or done? 

Some may say, “I googled it.”  Oh really, so that is our form of truth now.  Some say, “Well, _______ said it so it has to be true.”  So how did you come to trust whatever person you are putting your trust in?  Do you know them or do they just seem to agree with your views? 

The truth I want to immerse my life in is the truth of God’s Word.  I want to spend a thoughtful hour each day studying the life of Jesus, especially those last scenes.  The scenes in Gethsemane, the trial, His death on the cross, and the fact that He rose again, are the themes I want to focus on.  I want to fill my thoughts with understanding the love that He has for me.  And not just for me but for all people. 

Our thoughts

Our thoughts are so very powerful.  Somewhere around nine-tenths of all diseases have their foundation in the mind.  Our thoughts affect our bodies.  And if our thoughts are on negative themes it causes so much havoc to our everyday lives and eventually destroys our health.

It could be unrest in our country or home.  There could be someone we have not forgiven, and it could even be ourselves.  Anything in our life that is eating us like a canker, eating our very souls, weakening the life forces.  Even remorse for sin sometimes undermines our constitutions and unbalances the mind.

Why do we think we are all-powerful?  And you may be saying, “I don’t think I am all-powerful.”  Well, I would beg to differ.  We may not say it or think we think it but our actions say otherwise.  Somehow our human nature wants to learn about all the bad, ugly, wrong, evil, etc. in this world and then try to convince others not to get involved with it, whatever it is.  And we may get discouraged or even angry at times because someone doesn’t believe or agree with what we are trying to convince them to believe or think.  And all these things just destroy our health, whether it is physically, spiritually, or emotionally.


Oh, I can hear the critics now.  “You can’t live by your emotions.”  The fact is God gave emotions to us and I believe that it is our thoughts and feelings that make up our moral character.  And it starts with our thoughts.  If our thoughts are not in the right place, our emotions are affected, and thus our physical and spiritual health as well.  This is why I believe it is so important to keep our thoughts and our lives focused on what is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy. Philippians 4:8.  Oh, I don’t think I am perfect here at all, I am speaking to myself as well when I write these words.

This brings me back to what is truth?  Pilate asked Jesus this question at His trial.  But Pilate wasn’t willing to wait for an answer from the One that could have shown Him the truth.  He was too busy listening to the people and worried about his political standing.  Pilate was not focused on truth.  He did try to persuade the people of what he thought might be the truth but instead, he was persuaded to go with the most popular opinion and he crucified the Savior.

The solution

I believe the solution is keeping our eyes focused on Jesus.  We need to be keeping our thoughts on His Word.  And spend time in nature, where He can teach us so many spiritual lessons.  God has spiritual lessons all around us through His Word and nature if we would just open our eyes and behold Him. 

God’s Word is our measuring stick to everything.  When we start to point out the bad of this or that thing or this or that person, the question should be is it virtuous and praiseworthy.  Is it going to strengthen and edify my spiritual life and bring me closer to Christ?  We know it isn’t if we can admit it.

I haven’t known anyone yet when trying to prove their political or religious view, that they don’t become a finger pointer.  And their focus is not on the Savior.  I can guarantee that if you are genuinely focused on God and keep your mind on higher themes that you will know when the “counterfeit money” passes by and you will choose not to take part in it. 

I don’t know their method now but it use to be before you could be a bank worker you had to learn to watch for counterfeit money.  They never showed them the counterfeit money so they would know when the counterfeit money would come through.  They would have to memorize the genuine money.  The bankers became so familiar with the true money they recognized when the counterfeit money passed by them.  Remember the counterfeit is always changing.  You have to stay connected and memorize that which never changes, which is God and His Word.

Do something!

There are so many people that are hurting right now!  The suicides are happening daily, even more than ever before.  Look at the life of Jesus.  He didn’t spend much time investigating or focusing on those in leadership positions.  He focused on those around Him that needed Him.  Jesus focused on those that were hungry physically and spiritually.   He spent time ministering to others and their needs.  And He didn’t discuss with them the evils of the day.

We get so caught up with what is happening around us, discussing the right and wrongs of the church or political leaders, or whether this or that is wrong, that we are missing what we should be caring about.  People are dying because they lack hope.  We should have a hope that is burning within our hearts that we can share with others as the opportunity presents itself. 

“But wait a minute, don’t I have a responsibility to point out others in their bad behavior?”   No, stop right there!  You are not responsible for others and their bad behavior.  We are seed planters!  Our lives should be a witness to the love of God.  As we live a life of love and service and share loving and kind words as the opportunity presents itself, God does the work.  We can’t change people; only God can make the changes if they cooperate with Him.  Even God doesn’t force anyone or try to convince anyone of the truth.  So why do we try to do something that God doesn’t even do?

We were not placed on this earth to convince people of what is right or wrong.  Christ is our example!  We need to go study the life of Christ and learn from Him about how to minister to those around us.  And quit looking at how other people are ministering to others.  God has called everyone to minister.  But it is not our place to tell people what it is for them. 

Jesus experienced his disciples condemning someone that was witnessing for Him but wasn’t following Jesus and He rebuked them.  His disciples were referring to a man that was casting out devils in Jesus’ name.  But Jesus let them know to leave him alone, those that aren’t against us are for us. (Mark 9:38 or Luke 9:49). 

Oh but…

I am hearing it now.  Someone is saying, Oh, but don’t we have a responsibility to speak or write to a leader, whether a church, political, or whatever leader they may be, and point out the wrongs?  There may be a place where we should stand up and speak or vote for the right issues.  But this should not consume our lives.  Do what you need to do and in a Christ-like manner so that Jesus can reach their hearts.  And then leave it in God’s hands and leave it alone.

I am speaking out of experience and I have been making changes in my life so that these things don’t control me.  The devil doesn’t care how he gets us distracted,  just as long as he can get our minds off of the real goal.  Our real goal in life is to stay close to Jesus so that our lives so reflect Him that it draws all men to Him.

Dear Father,

With all that is happening around us, it is so easy to get distracted.  We need You to surround us and keep bringing us back to the goals You have for us.  Speak to our hearts as we plant Your seeds of love to all of those around us, reflecting only You.  It is so easy to want to fit into one group or another that we lose focus of You.  Prompt our hearts and bring us back to the right focus.

In Jesus Name,


Let’s get back to Christ’s method of love and plant seeds daily.

Love you all!

Have you felt the urge to change your focus?


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