Do you feel like your finances are out of control? Do you have more outgo than come in? Do you feel like it just keeps flowing out?

“Fix the leak, please.”

Recently we started having trouble with the faucet in our kitchen. Every time you turned it on a little water would come out where it shouldn’t be. It wasn’t a big deal at first. But then it got to the point that I had to leave a towel on the backside of the sink.

I came in one day and there was water sitting all over the counter. The faucet had gotten to the point that it was leaking even when the handle was not lifted. It was out of control. At this point something really had to be done. I took some things apart to look at it but I couldn’t figure out the problem. My husband finally took a look and was able to fix the problem. Now there is no more leaking. The solution was easy. The problem was just doing what needed to be done.

This made me think of finances. Our money can be like the leaking faucet. It seems like it disappears, just flowing out. We wonder where it is all going. How can we fix the leak? It seems to start out gradual but then it is just pouring out of control. We are not sure what to do so we try to keep ignoring it. But finally it is so out of control we have to take notice and do something about it.

It definitely takes making a decision. Whether you are single or married this is a very important decision you need to make.

One bit of advice that I would give to those that are single, before you get married make sure that the one you are going to marry and yourself agree on how to handle finances.  This is one of the biggest problems in marriages today, so start out right.

I am going to give you 5 ways that you can use to help get started in fixing the money leak.

Make God a part of your decisions. It is so important to include God. Remember He owns everything. We are His stewards. He is the One that understands the leak and can help you fix it. It does take self-discipline and you need His power to help you.

Create a Budget. Sit down with your spouse or if you’re single find a friend that can help you brain storm, and create a budget. This can take some time. You should do this every month until you get it tweaked just right. Then follow it closely, which leads us to our next step.

 Have an accountability partner. This may be a spouse but if you both have different expectations it may be well to have someone who is well-disciplined in their finances to be the person you are accountable to as a couple. And if you are single find a friend or someone who you know that will hold you accountable, it could even be a mom or dad.

 Start Saving. Make a list of things that you need to have in the future or things you would like to have and start saving for them. It is so easy to just go out and buy on a whim and not really think through it and before you know it money has leaked out. Which leads us to the finally step.

 Start buying as much as possible with cash. There is something about buying with cash that makes it more painful. It is so easy to swipe a debit or credit card without even giving it much thought. When you start buying with a cash only system it will be a very effective way to control spending.

These steps are not exhaustive but will get you started in the right direction.

Dear Father,

I pray that you will guide each one of us as we choose to follow You in our finances realizing that everything belongs to You. Give us the strength and courage to take this step and allow You to fix the leak. In Jesus Name,


Take courage and start today in allowing the Lord to help you in taking these steps.

Love you all.

What steps have you found that have helped you in getting your finance problems under control?


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