Christmas is Around the Corner

Hard to believe

It is hard to believe it is already Christmas again.  When I was a kid, it seemed like Christmas took forever to get here.  The year just seemed to drag by.   Do you remember that feeling?  I have noticed something that has happened over the years; time flies fast for everyone, young and old alike.  It is because everybody’s life is so busy with many things.  When those of us that are older were young, we had many downtimes, and we would get bored.  Many do not get bored today.

The trap

This is the trap the devil has wanted us all to be in.   There are so many distractions with all the social media and everything so readily at our fingertips.  Young people today are so busy with so many activities, and when they aren’t doing something constructive, they are pulled into social media, playing video games, or watching movies.  There is no family time like there once was.  Everything is so fast that everyone is tired at the end of the day.
I remember the kinds of things we did when I was growing up.  Sometimes we just sat around the living room and talked. When does that happen anymore?  We read books, played board games, and took walks.  We had time to slow down and reflect.  These days, we don’t reflect anymore; we are just thinking about the next thing we need to get done.


And then we add Christmas to the mix of things.  Everyone is in a hurry, trying to get the last-minute shopping done, which in one sense, has gotten easier because a lot of us do it online.  But on the other hand, we don’t rub shoulders with others.  In the past, people have been kinder and more generous this time of year.  You get this natural, cozy feeling.  What little I have been out and about this Christmas season, I have not felt that quite as much.  There are still ones that are kind and in that beautiful Christmas spirit, but so many are in too big of a hurry.  I, unfortunately, might be one of them.
My husband and I went to the mall, and there was no friendliness; it was just rushing people who wouldn’t even look you in the eye.  The only friendly person was a Santa waiting for kids to come and get their pictures done.  There were no kids lined up, so he was waving and saying a friendly greeting to those who passed by.  I find this so sad.  So many unhappy people are just trying to make it through the day.


The big problem is that everyone has forgotten what Christmas is about.  Many have become so self-absorbed that the real reason we celebrate Christmas has been lost.  It has become all about agendas and making money, not love and giving.  We have forgotten the most incredible gift this season should remind us about.  And that has taken away the love and giving spirit.
During this time of the year, we should be reminded of the greatest Gift given, and that is Jesus.  God was willing to give up His only Son to come as a lowly baby.  Jesus, the majesty of heaven, came down to be born in a stable with beasts of the field.  He was laid in a manger of straw.  Jesus was not born in a palace showered with money and fame.  He was born to poor parents; He was visited by shepherds from the field and eventually wise men from the east at a stable and humble home.  Jesus sacrificed everything to come here to this ungrateful world and die so that we may choose to live with Him for eternity.  Now that is a fantastic gift.

Our best gift

The best gift that we can give this season is our hearts.  Let’s give our hearts to the most amazing God, Jesus Christ.  This is the gift that He is longing for.  You may think, “But I already gave my heart to Jesus years ago.”  And that is wonderful; we also need to renew our daily commitment to Him.  It is a moment-by-moment experience.  Here is the most astounding revelation, as we commit our lives to Jesus each day, surrendering totally to Him, the gift goes on.  We start to give to others, not out of obligation or gain but out of love.  This is the most precious gift that keeps on going.  The kind of gift I want to give this year is surrendering my heart to Jesus so that the best Gift of all can keep on giving, love.  How about you?
Dear Father,
Thank You for giving Your only begotten Son as a Gift to each of us.  I want to recommit my heart to You so that I can have the Gift of love that keeps on giving.
In Jesus’ Name,
Give your heart entirely to Jesus today and receive the Gift that keeps giving.
I love you all!  Have a Merry Christmas!

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