Have you ever been burned?  I am sure you have, we all have.  Like the time that I wasn’t thinking and I grabbed the hot oven rack without protection.  I put ice on it and then did a couple of applications of Lavender oil and I was good to go.
I remember another time when I was a kid.  I think I was 9 or 10 years old.  My brother and I had a motorbike.  He was driving and I was riding on the back.  I didn’t have the protection on my legs that I should and I touched the pipe with my bare leg.  It really hurt.  I do not remember what we did for it but I do remember the lesson learned about having protection on.
There are other ways that we can get burned as well.  Maybe you have been burned financially or some friend or family member has done something not so good.  Or someone has made a promise and they didn’t follow through.  These burns can seem harder to fix.  If you could just put some cold or Lavender oil on, it would be great but that won’t heal emotional wounds.
The wonderful thing is that God is the healer, whether physical or emotional.  There are things that He has given us to use for protection and healing.  Just like for the oven, I had oven mitts but I had to use my God-given brain and make a decision to use them.  This is true of emotional as well.  God has given us ways to protect ourselves.  We have God-given counsel in God’s Word that we need to heed and we will have less problems.
Are we going to make mistakes and make the wrong decisions at times?  Yes, but even when we make a mistake God can heal.  He gives us things in his creation for our physical healing.  He will also give us emotional healing, as we come to Him asking and claiming His promises.
God can use all of these things, whether we get burned physically or emotionally, to refine our character.  You might be saying, “But some stuff is my own stupidity.”  God can even refine our character through our mistakes, if we allow Him.  Inventors have made a lot of “mistakes” so to speak but yet through them they refined their ideas.  Now we have electricity and many other things because of “mistakes”.  Now this doesn’t mean just go out and purposely choose to make mistakes because God can bring good out of it.  But just know that if we come with a truly repentant heart God can use even our mistakes.  God reads the heart and He can only use it, for growth, if we are truly repentant.
God is very loving and forgiving.  We can come to Him with a repentant heart and He will forgive and refine our character.
Dear Father,
Thank You for Your forgiveness.  I pray that we will learn through our mistakes.  Help us to recognize and use the protection that You have given to us.  Help us to make wise decisions in our associations.  We may need to separate ourselves from people who cause emotional pain.  Guide each one of us with the decisions that we need to make.
Thank You for Your love.
In Jesus Name,
Make the choices that you need to make to be protected, allowing the Lord to lead you.  And remember He is the healer.
Love you all.
Have you ever been burned physically or emotionally?  What did you do for healing?  And what ways have you learned to protect yourself?

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