“Are You Going To Help Me??!!”

Have you ever felt like you really needed help but no matter how desperate you were no one would step forward and help you?  The One you know that can really help you seems to be silent about the whole matter.  You’re praying and praying but it seems your prayers are not going anywhere.  Then, if your like me the “why” question starts to occur.

It is funny how that is.  You know how children are; they are constantly asking the question “why”.  I remember how annoyed I would get at times with the whys.  I tried not to show it to my children but nonetheless I still would get to the point where I was struggling with always answering those questions.  I have discovered I am just like a child with God.  He knows way better than any earthly parent and I still ask why.

I was so grateful to the Lord when He provided a job that I so desperately needed.  They hired me on a temporary bases.  They liked my work.  They told me that they would call me in every time they had extra work and needed help.  I told the Lord I would take this job and rely on Him to provide the work I needed.  It was busy for a while and then things dried up.

At first when I was out of work for just a few days it was no big deal, I trusted the Lord.  But as a few days went into more days I was frustrated.  Then came the question why.

If we could only know the end from the beginning as God does.  But the reality is human nature is never satisfied.  All God wants from us is our whole heart.  He wants us to put full trust in Him that He is working out all things for our good.  He wants to create in us, patience. We live in a society that says give me what I want and give it to me now.  I don’t think we consciously think about it but we want God to be like a fast food restaurant.  I want to ask for my order and drive to the window and get the answer and it better be what I ordered not what God thinks I should have.

As I was struggling with the “why” I started thinking of things I wanted to do.  But if they called me in to work I would not be able to do them.  So at that point I even had the feeling that maybe I didn’t want to even keep praying for work to come in.  At that point I just let go of it and thought if I am supposed to do some of these things that I want to do no work will come but if not work will come.  I finally let go.

A couple of days later I went in to pick up my check and my boss offered me a part-time position.  Wow!  From coming in when needed to actually being hired to work part-time.  I realized the Lord knew what He was doing all along.  He gave me the time I needed to get familiar with the line of work, in coming in when needed, to prepare me for the part-time work.

I shake my head at myself.  Why do I keep doing this?  How many times does the Lord need to keep sending me through these things before I get it?

Dear Father,

Thank You for Your patience and for Your willingness to not give up on me.  Forgive me for my lack of faith in what You are trying to accomplish in my life.  Thank You for Your unfailing love.

In Jesus Name,


Keep trusting Jesus with your life and if you do fail to trust, don’t give up and keep going.

Do you have an experience that you can share about trusting God?  Please share I would love to hear your experiences.


2 Replies to ““Are You Going To Help Me??!!””

  1. Good morning. I appreciated your personal experience and encouragement this morning. I clicked on your blog just at the right moment.

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