Are You Dying of Thirst? (Physically B A L A N C E D Part 2 of 8)

Physically Balanced

It is becoming more and more difficult to be physically balanced.  The stress of life and living on the “run” keeps us so occupied we often forget the very important aspect of physical health.  I am continuing to focus on 8 important laws of health that we should take very seriously.

Bed Time







Dependence on God

In part two I will be focusing on Aqua.

Aqua (water)

Did you know that our bodies are made up of around 60% water?  Our brains and even our hearts are made up of around 73% water, our lungs around 83%, our muscles and kidneys around 79%, and even our bones are around 31% water.  So how important is it to drink water?  Water is very important!

When we don’t intake enough water it may have an effect on our bodies in so many ways.  We may not be able to think clearly, our heart, lungs, and kidneys may not function properly and we may altogether feel rather sluggish.  I don’t know about you but when I don’t drink the water I need I feel miserable.


Another thing that water is so necessary for is that it is cleansing.  Whether you’re washing your body by taking a shower/bath or whether you’re drinking water it is cleansing.  As we take water into our bodies it helps flush out those impurities.

How much…

Then the question comes, how much water should I drink each day?  It is really different for each person.  Being able to recognize what your body needs is important.  As you start to drink water more consistently you will recognize more clearly when you are lacking.

A good rule of thumb for knowing how much water to drink is to drink half your body weight in ounces.  So if you weigh 160 pounds you would want to drink at least 80 ounces per day.  This would be your minimum.  There can be variables like whether you have been exercising or live in a hot area and you’re sweating a lot.  You need to replace what your body is losing through sweating.

What to drink

Some people have the question, I drink coffee, juice, soda, etc. several times a day and they all have some water in them, does that count?  My answer is no.  Have you ever tried to wash dishes with any one of those items?  You would never get them clean.  Remember, water is great for cleansing the body.  You need to have pure water.

When to drink

When you first get up in the morning is a great time to take a nice big glass of water to get your day going.  It is so refreshing and cleansing.  As for me, I like to drink a quart of nice warm water to get my day started.  After going all night without any water it gives me a great start.

If you do have a struggle getting all the water you need in a day here are some ideas.  You can set an alarm for yourself as a reminder.  I know for me, there are many times that I have been so busy that the morning goes by and then I realize I have not had any water.  So a good reminder is helpful.

Another idea is to measure out your water for the day so you can keep track and see if you are drinking enough water.  We often go to get a glass of water and we may not even drink the full glass we fill.   And then at the end of the day, we feel like we have drunk the amount we should be there is really no way to tell.  When we set a goal it is always good to be able to measure the goal so we can be confident that we accomplished it.

“But I don’t like water”

There are many that struggle with the taste of water so choose other things to drink.  To change a bad habit can be difficult but I encourage you to be steadfast.  Make a decision and stick to it.

I also have some other ideas that will help with the taste of the water but also give you some great side benefits.  For me, I like to put some pure essential oils in my water, like Lemon (which naturally cleanses the body, aids in digestion,  and supports healthy respiratory function)*, Lime (internal cleanser, supports healthy immune function)*, Grapefruit (supports healthy metabolism)* or there are a variety of others.  You just want to be sure they are ones that are safe to ingest.  It gives a little flavor and is very cleansing to the body.  So it will help boost the cleansing effect of your water.

Now some of you may be saying, “But I thought you said it is good to have pure water and not have added things like juice, soda, or coffee.”   That is true!  You can never wash your dishes with juice, soda, or coffee but you can clean your dishes with essential oils.  They add to your cleansing, that is what makes the difference.  This doesn’t mean you can’t drink plain water but it definitely is a great way to get used to drinking water as well as give an extra cleansing effect.  And there are so many other supportive benefits you receive.

What God has given

God has laws that govern not only nature but also our bodies.  And He has given us things to support the bodies that He has given us.  But ultimately He is the sustainer.  As we do our best to keep the laws for our body and use those things that He has given us to support His laws, He comes beside us and blesses us.

Dear Father,

Thank You for sustaining us.  You have given us such an amazing body, with great laws that govern it, and Your every day sustaining power.  Help us as we support Your amazing creation.

In Jesus Name,


Commit today to drink more water.  It will support you in such a way that you will feel more energized.

Love you all!

How has drinking water blessed you?

If you have not read number 1 in this 8 part series make sure to check it out.  Are You Tired of Being Tired?




*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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