“Get Into The Light!”

It seems with the busy life of today it is really hard to get outside and spend time in the sun.  If you have a garden or need to do some yard work you might find the time.  But to just lay out in the sun, forget it, we don’t have time.  What we don’t realize is the benefit of the sun.

I have been writing about the “BALANCED” life.  Today I am going to focus on “L” for Light.  When I am talking about light I am talking about the natural light of the sun.  It is the best kind of light that we can have.

So the question is, “How important is it to get out into the sunlight?”

  • Increases vitamin D levels.  That being said it is really hard for us to get the amount of vitamin D that we need just getting into the sun.  I definitely recommend that you ask you doctor to test you levels.  Most people need supplementation.
  • It increases our ability to handle stress.  Along with the vitamin D that helps with stress, sunlight helps as well.  Being in the sun can help you relax.
  • Depression can be eliminated. Now it does depend on what kind of depression you are talking about.  If you are so depressed that you are having trouble functioning get professional help.  The sunlight can still be wonderful but you need professional help along with it.  For those of us that may have days where we just are feeling a little down get out in the sun.

It seems that it is getting harder and harder to even get out in the sunshine.  Most of us go from home to work and the only sun we get is through the window of our car. It may make you sweat but it doesn’t benefit you unless it has direct contact.

We all have a day or two off each week and we need to make sure to get out in the sun on those days.  This still will not be enough to give you the vitamin D that you need but it will still be beneficial.  And be careful not to get a sunburn.

Here are some tips:

  • Write it into your schedule. Things that are scheduled get done.  So set aside a little time each day and get out into the sunshine.  You will find it to be very uplifting.
  • Don’t wear sunscreen. Your probably are thinking, “What? Your crazy!!”  You do need to wear sunscreen when you are out for long periods of time.  But if you have sunscreen on you will not get the benefits that you need from the sun.  Just spend about 5 to 10 minutes without it, and then put some on.  I would highly recommend something more natural than what you get at the grocery store.  You can contact me for some ideas on some sunscreen.
  • Make sure to attend to burns. If you do make the mistake of spending too much time in the sun without proper protection make sure to do something soothing for the skin.  One thing I really like to do is take some good healthy none scented lotion and add some lavender essential oil drops rub it carefully on.  It is so soothing.
  • Take a vitamin D supplement. The truth is we cannot get enough vitamin D in the sun.  Make sure to get your levels checked by your doctor and then supplement if you need to.

I am so grateful for the sun.  It was given to us for a reason.  Of course we need to be BALANCED in all things.  Just because it is a good thing does not mean more is better.

Dear Father,

Thank You for the sun that you gave us.  You have made everything we need to have a good healthy life.  Just like we can’t do without the sun we need Your Son to give us spiritual health as He shines on us.  Thank You for Your love for us.

In Jesus Name,


Get out in the sunshine starting today.

What benefits have you received when you spend time in the sun?