“Alone For Christmas?!!”


What do you think of when you think of Christmas, family, friends, joy, gifts, and peace?  It seems that Christmas for a lot of people makes them warm inside.  The happiness of togetherness with family gathered around the Christmas tree can bring such a joyous feeling.  It seems that people are more courteous and cheerful during the Christmas season.  But the question comes; does everyone feel those warm feelings this time of year?  And the answer is no.

I know this year even for myself there are some sorrows.  It makes it harder to have the full joy of Christmas.  We would visit my father-in-law every Christmas and bring him a gift.  But he is no longer with us.  And I remember the year that we surprised my mom with my brother coming for Christmas.  But this will never be a possibility again.  Things change and sorrow comes into our lives.


It reminds me of my son.  He cut his leg and it required stitches.  We were told that he could remove the stitches in 14 days; the doctor wanted to be sure it had healed.  My son waited 16 days for good measure.  The next day, after he removed his stitches, he was playing soccer and someone kicked him right on his cut and it totally reopened.  He thought it was totally healed but when put under unfavorable conditions it reopened.

Some people dread this time of the year.  They have had lots of sorrows and abuses that lead to unhappiness when it comes to family.  There are some that seem to have received healing from hurt and pain but when it’s hit with the Christmas season wounds thought to be healed come wide open again.  A lot of times they are either alone or feel alone in a crowd.

Bring cheer

A lot of times we can feel so focused on our own family or our own sorrows we can forget those that may not have a pleasant day planned.  Can you imagine being alone for Christmas?  It’s just another day like any other, no family or friends to spend it with.  There are many that go through this each year.  Do you know someone you could bring cheer to?  I would encourage all of us to think about who we could include in our Christmas cheer that has no place to go.  And let’s change the memory of Christmas for them so that their wounds may fully heal.  Through my own sorrows one thing that I know, as I reach out to cheer others my sorrows diminish.

I remember one year our family invited an older couple to spend Christmas Eve with us.  We celebrate and open gifts on Christmas Eve and this was when our children were younger.  The older couple so thoroughly enjoyed it.  It was wonderful to bring a little joy and happiness into their lives.

Dear Father,

Lead each one of us to think of someone that will be alone for Christmas so that we can include them in our family gathering.  Help us to remember that when we do it unto the least of these we do it unto You.

In Jesus Name,


Invite someone today to spend Christmas with you.

Love you all and a Merry Christmas to you.

Do you have a story of inviting someone that would have been alone to join you for Christmas?  I would love to hear it.