“How do You Exercise Spiritually?” Part 4


So how do you exercise spiritually speaking?  We talked last week how that when we have a sedentary lifestyle how detrimental it is to our physical health.  But how does that apply spiritually?  The reality is that when we are taking care of our bodies in a physical way it actually has an effect on our spiritual lives.  If you don’t feel good physically it affects every area of our lives.  We just want to live for self because we don’t feel like doing anything different.

What does it feel like when you have been sick for a while and you have done nothing?  I can relate to this very much.  A little over 10 years ago I got very sick.  And I was sick for a very long time.  I was so sick I could do nothing.  For several days I was even too weak to eat.  I finally started eating out of principle, not because I was hungry.  But even when I was eating I could hardly lift the spoon to my mouth.  It took so much energy that I would sleep for a long time afterward.  I was sedentary physically as well as spiritually.  I was unable to do anything.


If we are not moving spiritually our spiritual immune system gets down and we can easily get spiritually sick.  When temptation comes along we are drawn in quickly and fail to overcome.  We get angry with those around us a lot more easily.  And we can also have a depressed feeling.

But after a while of not moving spiritually, you can start to have a false sense of ease.  The temptations seem to be less frequent and things seem to be going relatively easy.  It all depends on what our goal is.  Is our goal to win the race of life?  And if it is, what race do we want to win?  Is it the race of ease and security or the race of eternal life?  If we want to win the race of eternal life it will take courage, discipline, and moving.


I talked in part 2 of this series about the importance of spending time in God’s Word.  And how we need to chew on it thoroughly so that we can understand it through the power of the Holy Spirit.  But I also believe there is another aspect and that is exercising the muscles that the Lord has given us.  And as we exercise this muscle it will become stronger and help keep our spiritual immune system healthy so that when “sickness” (temptations) comes around we will have such a strong immune system that we can keep from getting spiritually sick.

I believe that as we are memorizing God’s Word we are exercising our brain muscle so that we can run the race with confidence.  I am not saying memorizing is easy.  But as you do, it will become easier.

When I was ill with the sickness that I talked about above, it affected my brain.  I lost a lot of my memory.  Even today after so many years my family will remind me of things that we did as a family or incidents that happened and I no longer can remember them.  So when I do memorize it is very difficult.  I have to trust the Lord that He will bring it to my memory when I need it because I have put forth the effort.  There are times when I forget how to do something that I do every day and I have to try to bring it to my mind.  Sometimes it takes me 2-3 minutes or longer before I can think of how to do it.  I know as I age it also is a factor as well.  But when I first was sick it was way worse and happened to me quite often.  Now, due to some supplements that the Lord led me to it happens less.  It happens mostly now when I feel under pressure.  And remembering people’s names can be one of the worst.  But I keep persevering with the memorizing and as I do I see the Lord’s blessing.


When we physically exercise it can bring us more energy.  The same is true of spiritual exercise.  When we memorize and study God’s Word it brings energy into our spiritual life.  Because when our brains are being exercised they will not be sluggish and sedentary.  You will be alert and energized to fight the battles of the day.  Now you have your armor to go forth for the day and God can use that armor that you have chosen to put on to help you win the battles.

Will there be “pain” and “discomfort” with memorizing?  Absolutely!  Just like physical exercising we need to persevere.  And just like our muscles get built up when exercising physically our spiritual muscles will also and it will become easier and less painful.

Dear Father,

Thank You for Your Word and Your ways that can help us in this race of life so that we may win the race.  And the amazing part about this race is that we all can be the winners.  You have given us all the necessary provisions for us for which I am grateful.  Thank You for Your love, Your patience as we run, and for Your forgiveness when we fall.

In Jesus Name,


If you are not already memorizing God’s Word I would encourage you to do so.

Love you all!

What ways do you use to memorize that helps you in the process?

This is part 4 in a several part series “Maintaining Healthy Immune Function”.  There are many things I will be sharing with you on how to support your immune system, both physically and spiritually.  Although what I am sharing is not exhaustive, I am sharing just a taste from my own experience.  In part 3 I talked about how physical exercise helps in maintaining a healthy immune system.  Coming up in part 5 I will be talking about how fresh air plays a role in maintaining healthy immune function.  Stay tuned!

“You Need to Keep Moving!!” Part 3


Have you ever been on a plane or even in a car for a long trip?  You have been flying or driving for hours and it seems that you will never get there.  I know some people who have flown for many hours and there is a tenancy for your legs to start swelling because of lack of movement.  What’s it feel like when you finally arrive and you can get off the plane and walk?  You want to get off and start to walk around but on the other hand, it is so difficult.  It is not easy to start walking.  Your legs don’t feel right and your muscles feel like they haven’t moved in eternity.  But you persevere and get moving.


So how important is movement?  Moving is so important for our bodies and it can help with keeping our immune function healthy.  As we move our hearts pump more rapidly so that our blood pumps through all the systems of our body.  Thus our blood is getting filtered from all the impurities that bring the immunity down.

If you are just a couch potato your blood becomes sluggish and the impurities just sit there.  Maybe you’re not a “couch potato” so to speak because you go to work every day but what kind of job do you have.  Do you sit mostly at a desk all day?  There are many that get up in the morning, eat their breakfast, maybe.  And then they drive to work, which means sitting.  Once they get to work they sit at a desk all day long getting up only to use the bathroom.  They do take lunch but then they just go into the lunch room and sit.  And then they drive home which is just more sitting.  The majority of society sits in front of a TV while eating dinner.  This is not far from a couch potato.  Unfortunately, this lifestyle goes on year after year.


Exercise is so important to healthy immune function.  We need more than just walking from our home to car, car to desk, and back to home again.  We need something that will get our heart rate up and keep that blood flowing to get the impurities cleaned up.

So having a good walking routine that you do at least 5 days a week is important.  Walking can be the very best type of exercise.  But really the best kind of exercise is the one that you will do.  So find something you enjoy.  If you can’t find anything you enjoy make sure you persevere in something.  Maybe you need to write out a “why” for the reason you want to exercise and that can keep you motivated.

Doing weight lifting is also important for keeping our bodies healthy.  As we age our muscle start to atrophy.  We need to be sure that we keep them toned and healthy so that our immune systems stay healthy.  It doesn’t always have to be lifting weights as long as you are using those muscles that do the lifting.  Push-ups can be another way to build our arm muscles.  Shoveling snow could be another one, which happens at our home in the wintertime.  Be creative.

Some people struggle with exercising due to some health challenges.  Just make sure and take it slow and talk to your doctor about what you can safely do.  

Another complaint I hear is “I don’t have the energy”.  So in order to get a pick me up, they drink some coffee or caffeinated drink to help get the energy to do what they need to do, which is not good at all.  Exercise will actually help give you energy.  But you have to make sure not to do too much too quickly.


There are many people who don’t get out, as they should exercise.  They use many excuses, lack of time, no energy, too much discomfort, etc.  I have found that when I take the time I actually have more success in my day and I get more done.  I find that time is not a factor it is just what my brain tries to convince me so that I don’t take the time.

I do understand the energy.  There can be different reasons why a person may not have the energy for it.  You may have a condition that is causing you not to have the ability to exercise. But the majority of us would find as we exercise that we would start to get more energy.  The important thing is to start out slow and build up to more.  Because of some things that I have dealt with physically, there are some other things that I do that really helps with my energy levels so that I have the ability to exercise.  I have some supplements that I take along with an energy & stamina complex.  Each person is different and needs to do what will help them reach their goals.

When it comes to discomfort in your joints or muscles building up gradually is also a key.  One thing that many athletes use that I have found beneficial is a soothing blend rub.  Most athletes put it on before and after their workouts.  I don’t always remember put it on before but even if you do it afterward it is very helpful.

Dear Father,

As we take the time to get physical exercise we pray for Your blessing.  I know that as we keep moving and circulate the blood that you have given us through our body it will be healthier.  Thank you for giving us such amazing bodies so as we follow Your plan for health it makes our immune systems stronger.

In Jesus Name,


Start today!  Get out and take a walk.

Love you all.

What is your favorite kind of exercise?

This is part 3 in a several part series “Maintaining Healthy Immune Function”.  There are many things I will be sharing with you on how to support your immune system, both physically and spiritually.  Although what I am sharing is not exhaustive, I am sharing just a taste from my own experience.  In part 2 I talked about the foundation of how to support our spiritual immune system.  Coming up in part 4 I will be talking about how spiritual exercise plays a role in maintaining a healthy spiritual immune function.  Stay tuned!