Has there ever been something in your life that you have had a hard time letting go of?  It might be a bad habit, possessions, control, sin, etc.  It may even be something that you got yourself into because you were following other people.  Sometimes instead of really thinking we just follow what everyone else is doing.

I remember when I was young.  I really can’t remember my age but I am guessing 5 or 6.  We had gone to visit my grandparents.  My grandpa worked as a foreman in an orchard at a fruit farm.  My grandparents were allowed to take so much fruit for free each year but they were not fruit people.  So they would give their share to us.  We would go down every summer to bring back fruit to can.

This one particular time we went to visit we had taken our next-door neighbor with us, he was like a grandpa to me.  My grandpa wanted to take our neighbor around the orchard in the jeep to show him around.  Of course, my brother and I wanted to go with them.  There were a couple of others there as well.  My grandpa was driving and the neighbor was sitting in the passenger seat.  The rest of us climbed into the back of the jeep, which was open.  It was a farm jeep, more like getting into the back of a pickup.

As we were driving along through the apple orchard others were reaching out and pulling off an apple.  We were headed up this hill when I seen this really nice looking able and I reached out to pick it.  I was young enough that I could not get it to come off like the older ones had done.  But I didn’t let go either.  It all happened in seconds.  The next thing I knew, I was out of the jeep onto the ground.

I don’t remember if I really got hurt but I did begin to cry because it scared me so bad.  And it scared my grandpa too, because the hill we were going up, the jeep could have easily rolled back.  This was especially true because my grandpa did not know what had happened at first and that I was out of the jeep.

This reminded me how sin is.  Sin looks so attractive.  Sin is also enticing.  Just like I could not resist that good-looking apple, sin can be hard to resist.  When we grab a hold of sin it draws us right out of the safety of the “Jeep” (Jesus presence).  We fall and get hurt.  Even if we grab out for the enticing sin, the second we realize that it is wrong we need to let go of it immediately so we are not pulled out from the safety of Jesus.

Dear Father,

Sin can be so enticing to us.  Help us, as we surrender to You, to see sin as You see it.  Help us to draw back from sin.  The devil can disguise things so well. We need Your eyes of discernment.

Thank You that if we do fall we have an advocate with You, Jesus Christ, and we can come to You and You will forgive.

In Jesus Name,


Surrender all to Jesus today, keeping so close to Him that you recognize the disguises of Satan.

Love you all.

Share an experience you have had that shows how sin can draw us in.



Have you ever felt like you just keep hitting the wall?  Some times, it seems like, every decision we make in life, we go up against a wall.  We get tired of hitting the wall all the time but don’t seem to get what is going on.  When we have try the same thing over and over again and we keep hitting a wall, it seems to me that we need to reevaluate what we are doing.

When I was a kid I had a parakeet, he was a beautiful blue.  I really loved my bird.  I don’t even remember how long I had him.  He loved to ride on my shoulder around the house.  But there was a bad habit that he had.  He loved to fly off my shoulder at times as well.  I didn’t mind him doing that except for one problem.  He would fly into the wall.  The first time he did it, I don’t think it even knocked him out.  I don’t remember how many times he did it before it finally took his life.  It seemed strange that he didn’t seem to get it.

We don’t seem to be any different.  We can know that something is bad for our health.  It may even be killing us.  It may take a few years but nonetheless we are destroying our health.  But we tend to not want to make any changes because we enjoy what we are doing.  We would rather die than to make a change.

I remember my grandpa.  He thought for sure that his choice to smoke didn’t affect anyone else other than himself and he enjoyed it so much that he didn’t want to give it up.  Then one day he found out he had lung cancer.  It was scary for a little while but they were able to remove the one lung and he was able to keep living.  He quit smoking for a while but he finally went back to it.  A few years later when he got cancer in his second lung there was no hope.  He realized too late, not only was he going to die, but what he did was affecting others.  It was not long later at the age of 62 that my grandpa died.

We may think, “How crazy can he be?”  But the reality is we all do it in one way or another.  One of the biggest ways we do it is allowing stress to have its way in our life.  We can do everything right in our life, health wise, but if we don’t learn how to deal with stress it will kill us.  We will keep hitting the wall of stress and it will destroy us.

Here is what I recommend for healthful living as well as reducing the stress.  I have an acronym that I have created to help me remember, B A L A N C E D.

  •   Bed Time.  It is so important to get plenty of rest.  Not only does this affect our physical health but it also affects how well we are able to handle stress.  Make sure, as an adult, you get at least 7-9 hours each night.
  •   Aqua.  This is Spanish for water.  We need plenty of water each day.  It cleanses our body and keeps us hydrated.  When we don’t drink enough water we put a real stress on our bodies.
  •   Light.  Our bodies thrive on sunlight.  We need to make sure we are getting out in to the sun each day.  This helps us in many ways, even getting good rest.  It also helps reduce stress.  If we live in an area where we do not get enough sunlight there are special lights that can give similar properties as sunlight.  Nothing is as good as the real thing, though.
  •   Air.  When we get out and get some sunlight we also benefit from the fresh air.  Fresh air helps to keep our lungs clean.  It helps revive our whole being.  Doing some deep breathing really will help to reduce the stressful feelings that we can feel.  It also is relaxing.
  •   Nutrition.  How we eat also affects how physically healthy we are.  When we are eating good nutritionally sound food it makes us feel so much better.  The body can actually run and function, way better.  This also helps us be able to reduce our stress levels.
  •   Control.  Learning to have self-control can be so hard but it is necessary to be able to have good physical and emotional good health.  The simple way of saying this is completely eliminate those things that are bad and making sure we are balanced with the good.  You know that we can do too much of a good thing and destroy ourselves as well.  Water is good but if you drink too much it can kill you.  Being balanced is the key.
  •   Exercise.  We have a lot of muscles in our body, including our heart.  If we don’t use these muscles they atrophy.  If our heart atrophy’s, we are in big trouble.  Exercise is a very important factor to keep us healthy.  And it is a good stress reducer.  So if you are feeling stressed go for a walk, it will do amazing things.
  • Dependence on God.  This is the most crucial.  We cannot do anything but hit the wall if we don’t depend on God.  He is the best stress reliever. He is the physical healer and sustainer, as we obey His laws.  As we give every day to Him and take all our burdens and let Him have charge of them we will be able to handle whatever comes our way without destroying us.

Dear Father,

Thank You that You are always there for us through all things.  Prompt us by Your Spirit in what areas of our lives that we need to give to You.  Thank You for Your love and care.

In Jesus Name,


Surrender every area of Your life to Him today and let Him take the stresses of life and work it for good.

What do you do to help reduce the stress in your life?  Share your ideas.



It seems projects can be so overwhelming most of the time.  We know it is a project that needs to get done but it just seems too overwhelming to even get started.  And when we do get started it seems things don’t go how we have planned.  It often takes longer than we intended, as well.  Have you ever felt this way?

I experience this on a regular basis.  My most recent one is preparing my son’s house, he just bought, for renting out.  Every day we go to do what needs to be done but it seems that we don’t accomplish what we really wanted to get done that day.

Here are a few tips that I have learned over time that has been helpful to me.

  1. Keeping a right attitude is key.  No matter what we are trying to accomplish in life if we go into it with a negative attitude we won’t get very far.  Even if we go in with a good attitude and things don’t go how we want and we have a bad attitude, it destroys our day.  It is amazing how our attitudes can change a situation.  We need to continue to be grateful no matter how things turn out.  What I have found is the attitude I tend to have; I actually fulfill what I really don’t want to have happen.  Our minds are a very powerful tool.  Stay positive.
  2. Set goals for the project.  Before you actually start a project lay out a plan.  Then at the start of each day, that you have dedicated to this project, layout what you are going to do that day.  If at the end of the day you didn’t finish everything on the list, that’s okay.  When your making the list over achieve but at the end of the day be grateful for what you have accomplished.  This leads to the next step.
  3. Give your day to the Lord.  So many times we can head into our day with our own agenda.  But God has a different agenda for us.  So as we make our list for the day we need to always be ready for God’s leading.
  4. At the end of the day, be grateful for what you have accomplished.  If we are giving our day to God, we have made our list, then at the end of the day, we should be grateful for what we have accomplished.  This will keep our attitudes where they should be.  A lot of times it can be hard to be grateful.  But it is a habit that we need to cultivate.   Here is a routine that I have started each day to help me stay focused and grateful.
  5. In the morning, I write down 3 things that I am grateful for.  Remember it does not have to be big things.  We need to be grateful about all things.  As I started to do this it was hard at first but it gets easier.  We take so much for granted.  Just the fact that our heart is still beating is amazing.
  6. Also, in the morning, I write down 3 things that I will do to make the day great.  This could be projects you want to accomplish, habits you want to change, or even attitudes you want to change.  Whatever it is that you think would make the day great.
  7. In the evening, I write down 3 things that made the day great.  Now these three things can be different from what I thought would make the day great.  When we give our day to God, He can do amazing things.
  8. Lastly, in the evening, I write down what I could have done to make the day even better.  This could just be, having a better attitude.

I have found these things to help me to keep my prospective where it should be.  It is also great to be able to look back and see what God has done.

Dear Father,

Thank You so much that You are there for us.  You will make our day great, if we give it to you.  You have told us in Your Word that we need to live our lives with a thankful heart no matter what our circumstances.  We humility ask for Your help and guidance to do it.  Thank You that as we surrender to You, You do the work in our hearts.

In Jesus Name,


I challenge you today to take up the attitude of thankfulness.  It will change your life.

Have you had a time where you have chosen to be grateful through hard circumstances and God gave you victory?  What has having a grateful heart done for you?



Depending on what age you may be, your thought of windmills may be different.  When my grandparents were coming out west I imagine they had a certain thought of what windmills looked like.  If they saw the ones of today they probably wouldn’t even know what it was.  I imagine a barn and next to it a wooden windmill.  The windmill would be used to pump water, which made it so much easier than pumping by hand.  There would usually be a trough not far away for watering the cattle.

Things have changed a lot in what a windmill looks like but the idea is the same.  Now a days it is used more to utilizes the wind to create electricity.  Of course, the more wind the more power that is generated.

The wind that is created for the windmills reminds me of the trials and temptations that come into a Christian’s life.  The trials that come actually create a good thing, if we allow it.

It reminds me of the verse that says, “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” 1 Corinthians 10:30. I don’t know about you but at times when I am going through a trial, I am tempted to wonder how I can bear it.

As I was watching these windmills it clicked for me.  Just like the windmill produces more power when there is more wind, our lives, when we have more trials our character becomes more refined so that we produce more power to go forth and do the work that Christ has for us to do.  It is only through the trials that we even have “electricity” to supply to people.  The more trials we have the more power God supplies to us.  We may feel we can’t handle it, and we can’t on our own.  But it is the temptations and trials, the Lord helps us through, which give us the ability to reach out to others.  We all have something we can give because the trials have given us something to share that nothing else can.

Dear Father,

It is not always easy to say thank You for the trials.  I do thank You because I know that the trials are there for us to learn to trust You no matter what, so that we can produce an “electricity” to benefit others around me.  Continue to guide and give us the power to overcome all that comes our way.

In Jesus Name,


Let’s allow the trials to produce “electricity” in us so we can be a blessing to others.

Love you all.

Do you have a story about an old windmill?  Maybe it was from your grandparents’ farm.  Share your reminisce story about windmills.


Have you ever picked up a piece of fruit that is so beautiful but when you opened it up it was rotting on the inside? Or maybe you get a piece of fruit that looks so disgusting you think it must be starting to rot but when you open it up it turns out to be one of the most delicious pieces of fruit you ever had?

I remember when I went on a mission trip to Mexico. We were in the process of building a church. Every day the ones in charge would bring a huge gunny sack full of oranges. The oranges were so ugly that it was in question whether or not you would want to eat them. I did try one and I was so glad I did. They were the most delicious oranges that I ever have eaten.

There was also bananas. If there is one thing that I have never liked, it is an over ripe banana. The bananas, where we were in Mexico, looked over ripe, so I would not eat them. I was told later that they were the most delicious bananas but I missed out because I could not get passed the skin.

The question is what kind of fruit are we? Do we look good on the outside but we are full of rot on the inside? Has sin is so polluted our lives that it has taken over our lives but we try to put on a Christian face?

Then there is the other side of things. How do we look at other people? If we like how they look on the outside we think they must be wonderful. But if they don’t look the way we think they should we just decide they are rotten on the inside.   We cannot judge people by how they look on the outside.

We have such a tendency to look and to judge others. Some how that makes us feel good about who we are. And the reality is we may have some real rot on the inside. “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:” Proverbs 23:7a

We may look at someone and judge about the way they are eating but we are cannibalizing people. We may judge someone who murders, even little babies, but we hate someone. In God’s eyes it is all the same. Every person on this earth is His child and He knows their needs, he knows their, circumstances.

I have found that as I start to look at someone, to judge him or her, I have to stop and look into my own heart. I would say a lot of the time when we go to judge someone else we can find something in our own lives that is not any better or a lot of times, worse. The devil wants us to focus on others so that our focus is not on examining our own lives. He wants to make us feel uncomfortable with examining ourselves.

I want to make a disclaimer here. There, obviously needs to be some watch care or judging if you will, for keeping our children and us safe and that is not what I am referring to here. But even in those circumstances we need to be careful not to bring a hate toward the person but a forgiving love. And stay away from what can harm.

The question is, what can we do to not judge others by their book cover, or just not judge a person at all? It takes discipline because it is not an easy thing. But God is able to accomplish it in us if we are willing.

  1. When you want to judge, look at yourself. I have found this very revealing at times. When I start to look into my own life I find a lot of times that what I want to judge in someone else, I can find underlining issues in my own life. Maybe I am thinking they need to be obeying God in this area but I am disobeying God in another area.  What’s the difference?
  2. When you look at others look through the eyes of Jesus dying on the cross for them. This changes the perspective. We are nothing special to God. He loves us all the same. Even though we don’t say it, when we look at people and have the disgusting attitude we are having it toward God. We are all His children. How do we feel when someone judges our child? We tend to want to defend. And God has one up on us because He can see everything and know the ends and outs of every life, so He can judge rightly.
  3. We need to pray for the ones we want to judge. God is working with them just as He is working with us. We are all on a journey and we are all at different stages. We need to leave room for God to work instead of taking it into our own hands. Somehow we think we can do it better than God, at least that is the way we act.
  4. Only God can give us the love we need to have for others. We definitely cannot do this on our own. As we spend time in God’s Word, in prayer, and in memorizing Scripture, we will become more like Him. When we struggle He is there to give us the power to overcome, all we have to do is ask.

Dear Father,

We all struggle so much with wanting to judge others. Give us more compassion. Help us to love as You love. Open our eyes to ourselves and show us what we need to change in our own lives. Thank you for Your patience with our stubborn hearts.

In Jesus Name,


Keep close to Jesus; He is the only one that can change us from the inside out.

Love you all.


Have you struggled with judging others? What has helped you in overcoming that habit?

Maybe you have been judged, what pain has that brought to your life? And what did you do to get healing?

Share so that others can be blessed.







There are those days through life that come to us that seem very special. I remember such a day when I was a kid. It was my birthday and I remember my dad asking me if I would like to go to work with him.

My dad was running his own painting business at the time. I thought of it as a privilege to be able to go with him for the day and help him. Even though I had to work, just being able to be with him made it worth it.

At the end of the day I came home to a special supper. I actually don’t remember what we ate. What I do remember is the ice cream that my mom and brother made for me. That was back in the day where you had to crank it by hand. There was definite work to having ice cream.

This memory makes me think about our relationship with our Father in Heaven. We need to so desire to be with Him that it doesn’t matter that we need to work, it is worth it all because we get to be with Him.

I also was thinking about the ice cream. If you left out one of the components for making a good soft but firm ice cream, it would never firm up. You have to have the ice and salt. But that isn’t all, if you just let it sit there with the ice and salt you would not get the results that you want. You have to crank the hand, by hand, it doesn’t automatically happen. If you crank the handle and you have no salt or ice you will crank for a long time and you will feel like you are just spinning your wheels, never accomplishing what you’re wanting.

The same is true of being a Christian, it does not happen automatically. If you just keep “cranking” (reading your Bible) you will not grow without “salt” (prayer) and “ice” (meditating on Scripture day & night). It does take work, but as you continue to work, your character will become soft and firm in the truth. Only then will your character be so reflecting Christ that when people have been with you they will feel like they have tasted a wonderful “ice cream” (the presence of Jesus).

Dear Father,

Help us to realize, as we work in cooperation with You, the outcome is beautiful. Continue to prompt our hearts to know that without prayer we cannot understand the Scriptures and without memorization we cannot have Your Word hidden in our hearts so that we may not sin against thee.

Thank You for Your unfailing love and patience with us as we learn and grow.

In Jesus Name,


It may seem like work at first to do these things, Prayer, Study God’s Word, and Memorize. But I have found that as I consistently do these things, it no longer seems like work. I long each day for my time with God and if something happens I miss it, I can feel my “ice cream” melting. Keep steadfast and it will change your life.

Love you all.

What things do you do that you find meaningful in spending time with God? What things have you found that draw you closer to Him?


With my son being held in India, it was a couple of rough days. When he was told by the Embassy that they could not issue an exit visa until he had a ticket, I felt discouraged.  When he was able to secure his ticket, I was so grateful.

He was going into the Embassy at a particular time so I thought we would hear something within a short time. I decided that I did not want to go to bed until I heard from him. I knew what time his appointment was so as the hours passed I started to get worried.

It was past midnight, as I was agonizing with God in tears. I knew that the Lord had a plan but I was struggling with wanting to know that plan. I had already almost lost him from illness in India, so now what was He doing? It was probably about thirty minutes after I started to really agonize with God, that I received a message from my son saying he had secured the exit visa.

My son was questioned for several hours. They wanted to know what he was doing in India. He had to answer all the questions very carefully; otherwise he could have ended up in prison. I was so grateful, to the Lord, for helping him through the situation. After paying a fine he was finally able to secure his exit visa. And I was finally able to go to bed and get some sleep.

Now, as of yesterday, we were able to pick up our son from the airport. I watched anxiously, as the people were coming through the gate, for my son. And when I saw him what a joy I had in my heart. I believe my son was relieved, in his heart, that he was finally home.

This made me think of the Christian walk. We are living in the time of the judgment and God is our judge. Our lives are being “questioned”. “Why are we in this country?” “How are you living?” What people are you involved with?” “What kinds of things are we allowing into our lives?” What are we sharing with others?” etc.

I can picture Jesus, as He is agonizing over His children, in prayer. Pleading with His Father for us, as we come to Him with repentance. He is interceding for us so that we can get out of this country, where we are foreigners.

Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit.  “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” Romans 8:26

And Jesus “is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them.” Hebrews 7:25

My experience with my son made me realize how Jesus longs for us to be home. He is agonizing over us. He wants us to choose Him so that He can be with us again. He loves us so deeply. He wants us to succeed and win the battles that we have here in this foreign land. He is there for us to reach out to for help. He is interceding for us. Are we willing to accept the conditions to leave this country so we can go home? Are we willing to pay the “fine”?

You might be asking the question, “I thought salvation was a free gift?” You are absolutely right. But there is also a “fine” to pay. To some it is a very high price to pay. The question is “Do you want to get out of this foreign land? “Do you want to secure and exit visa?” I do want to get out of this country. But I can say I struggle with the price at times. So what is the price? The price is full surrender to God, giving God full control of our lives. This price, for some people, is too high and they choose to stay in the prison of this world.  Is the price worth it for you?

Dear Father,

Give us the courage and the strength to surrender all, because even in surrendering we need Your help and strength. Thank You for loving us and for agonizing over us. Help us to realize the pain that we cause You every time we choose the “prison” of this world. Thank You for Your grace and that it is sufficient for us.

In Jesus Name,


Jesus is longing to greet us with open arms. He wants to transport us from this country to our home. He wants to wrap His arms around us and welcome us. He will be so relieved when we arrive. I know that each of us will also be relieved to have finally made it to a better country.

Are you willing to pay the “fine”, surrendering all to God? I can say by experience, when I surrender all to Him, it makes life better. Does that mean all the struggles and trials go away? No. It just means that as I surrender to Him, He is able to help me through the trials. His ways are so much better than mine. But I still have my times of taking control back again but God is so loving and gentle. He knows how to get our attention. Surrender all to Him today.

Love you all.

Do you have an experience that God has brought you through, where you can see His hand at work? Please share I would love to hear about it.


A lot of people these days are struggling with staying focused. There is a lot of worry and anxiety even among Christians. Why?

I spend very little time looking or reading about the news. Even when it comes to Facebook I avoid most of those things that are of political nature or what a lot of people may think as news worthy.

I am not here to talk about politics or to take any particular side. My focus today is to look at what you can do to help the anxious feelings that come your way. But what I do want to talk about is, what is newsworthy? Where should my focus be? Is it important for me to keep up with all that is happening? And the big and foremost question is how much of it is true?

I have seen, in my lifetime, all the excitement about what is happening and how it is fulfilling prophecy but it passes by and nothing happens. I have seen a lot of people just become complacent because things don’t happen the way people keep saying. So the question comes to me, what are we doing that actually turns people away from Christ?

A lot of what goes on in the news and on Facebook has very little, to no, real truth in it. It is all bent to the persons thinking. So the question comes, who are you really following and believing? Thus anxiety rules in a lot of people’s lives today because that is the goal of the media, which is backed by a mastermind, Satan.

Here are five steps that can help you stay going in the right direction, help you to lead others to Christ and help with anxiety.

  1. Stay focused on God’s Word. Spend time each day in God’s Word. By doing so you can get to know the One that can lead you into all truth.
  2. Memorize God’s Word. Hiding God’s Word in your heart can help you through the trials of the day and keep your mind focused on truth.
  3. Spend time in prayer. Pray for yourself, family and others, giving God permission to work in each life. As this becomes a habit in your life you will find that with each trial you will automatically turn to God just as the flower turns to the sun, trusting Him with all things.
  4. Spend quality time with family. Build relationships with those that you love drawing their hearts to you. As you draw their hearts toward you they will be drawn to God. As you spend time with God they will feel, when they have been with you, that they have been with Jesus.
  5. Reach out to others. Reach out to others with the love of Jesus. You have heard the old saying; “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” The same is true of people; you can attract more people with the love of Jesus than you can with the fear of the future and what is happening in this world. Fear won’t keep them connect with God, history shows that, but true love will.

If we get rid of all the drama of this world out of our lives and replace it with what is good and wholesome, like the steps above, we will be ready when Jesus comes. And we will win more people to the truth of Christ love. The devil doesn’t care what rabbit trail he gets us going down, he just wants us focused on something other than what will prepare us for what will happen in the future.

Dear Father,

Help us to stay focused on You in this world of chaos. You are the One that is in ultimately in control and we have nothing to fear for the future unless we forget how You have led us in the past. Keep us and guide us. Thank You for Your unfailing love.

In Jesus Name,


If you have been one that has been caught up in the drama of this world get refocused. Keep your focus on the Genuine, Jesus Christ, He is the only One that can guide you through life and through you win others to Himself. Jesus is coming soon and filling you life with Him is the only way you will be ready.

Love you all.

What would your life be like if you were able to get most the drama of this world out of your life and focus on what matters most?


I remember at Christmas time one year when we were at a particular store in the mall. Our two older boys were out in the car waiting for us. We had the three other children with us. As we were walking along my daughter, who I believe was around 4 or 5 at the time, was fascinated with trying to skip the squares on the floor. It was multicolored as I recall and she was trying to walk on just a certain color.

The store we were in had an access door to the mall but also had access doors to the outside. We had looked at what we had come for so we headed to an outside door. When we got outside we realized that our daughter was not with us. Panic struck us.

At this point our older boys joined us in heading back into the store to search for her. It had just been seconds but she was nowhere to be seen. My heart was sinking at this point. I had already lost one daughter to death and I was imagining another daughter to kidnapping. I was definitely in a panic.

We talked to the store and they too, immediately, started looking. I don’t think it was a really long time but it seemed like eternity when one of the workers came around the corner with her in their arms. What a relief it was to see her. I can’t even explain the feeling I had at that point.

What happened is that she was following the squares on the floor and when we turned to go out the door she didn’t notice and kept going straight. When she did look up and realize we were gone she hid in some clothes, which was why we could not find her. She learned her lesson very well. For many years after that she would be so close to me in the store, hanging onto a piece of clothing, that I could hardly move to get my shopping done. Even to this day she stays very close to me.

Do you know someone who is lost spiritually? Maybe you feel in panic mode and you are not sure what to do. It may be a loved one or a friend and you know that they’re in a lost condition and it is a life or death situation. They have been kidnapped by the devil and you want to get them back.

There is One, Jesus Christ that loves them even more than you can possibly love them. He is the one that can reach their hearts. But you do have a part to play.

I believe one of the most important things for you to do is to live a Christ like life. I think one of the biggest problems that people see in Christians is their hypocrisy. Does that mean you will never make a mistake? No. But the trend of your life needs to show a Christ like love that is obedient to Him, not wavering. They need to feel your love despite their choices in life. And when the opportunity rises for you to share anything about the love of God they will believe it because they have seen Jesus in you.

Another very important factor is to pray for them. Be specific in your prayers. God does not force anyone; they do have to choose Him. But, I believe, your prayers give Him permission to work in ways that He could not. Pray for them earnestly. Pray for yourself that the Lord will give you wisdom.

You need to be a listening ear without speaking. They may say things that you want to gasp at but restrain yourself. Being a listening ear and just loving them is such a key. As you learn more from what they share it gives you more things that you can specifically pray about.

Dear Father,

Guide us as we reach out to those around us that we love. We need your guidance and wisdom. I pray that you will protect those that are lost from the evil one as we continue to love and work with them. Help us to live a life that will draw them to You.

In Jesus Name,


Remember to stay close to Jesus so that you can live a life that will so fully reflect Him that all who are seeking will know that Jesus does love them because it has been demonstrated through you.

Love you all.

Share your own ideas below on what has helped you help others that are in need of spiritual guidance.


Yesterday was full of excitement. My team and I had some classes yesterday. In between the classes a couple of us were sitting visiting when a loud explosive, kind of like a gun shot sound, happened. They got up and looked around where they thought they heard the sound then they went out of the room and look around in the other parts of the building. After visiting a while in the hallway they went back into the room to discover a really bad odor. They immediately called me, I had been away, and I headed back. As soon as I came into the room I saw a couple of fluorescent lights flickering. Immediately I shut the lights off.

We called a person that had authority and they came to check things out. After examining the situation and due to the smell it was decided to call the fire department. We were told to vacate the building so we did.

We had to laugh when two fire trucks, the fire marshal, an ambulance, and even a police car showed up.  They checked the hydrant to make sure it was working. They geared up with all the gear including oxygen tanks. They unloaded a saw, got out the axe and headed into the building. It turned out to just be a couple of ballasts that had blown. Why the big bang I am not sure. They did say normal heat for those lights are around 70 and it was up to 160. I don’t understand all of it but thankfully all was well.

Do you feel like that things just are not going so well in your life right now? Maybe you have been through some tragedy physically, emotionally, spiritually or financially?  Maybe you feel like you are about ready to explode?

There is hope. Call the “Fire Department” and the Chief (Jesus) will come with many Angels with all the forces of heaven to help you. They will use all the “gear” necessary. Reach out to those around you as well for encouragement, so they can pray with you. Don’t give up there is hope to get the “fire” put out. There will be damage but God is so powerful that He can “remodel” us. The evidence may always be there but everything will be renewed.

If you know someone who is struggling reach out to them today and don’t delay. One of the first things that the main fireman did was come and talk to us so that he could assess the problem. If you are sensing or know that someone is struggling go to them and talk to them and assess the problem. And then ask for wisdom from God on how to proceed. Be a friend, listen and listen and listen. I can’t express this enough. After going through some of my own tragedies in life, having someone listen to me was the most helpful. Pray for them and listen and say little. Love and listen.

Dear Father,

I pray for those that are struggling. You know who they are. Wrap Your arms about them. Help them to feel Your presence, Your peace, and Your courage in the midst of tragedy. You are the healer. Please heal each one.

In Jesus Name,


Do you know someone who is hurting? Reach out today and don’t delay. If you are the one that is hurting, I want you to know that you are loved. Reach out to someone who can pray with you and encourage you.

Love you all.

Have you had some tragedy in your life? How has the Lord brought you through? Has God used someone to help you and how were he or she able to help you? I would love to have you share in the comments. This can give courage to someone else that is hurting.  It can also give someone, who does not know how to share with someone who’s hurting, wisdom on how to do it.